6 Steps Need to Do When Your Sump Pump Overflows

A sump pump overflow is a common problem for homeowners in the United States. It can happen when there’s too much water from rain, melting snow, or pooling on your property and it starts to leak into your basement.

Homeowners who live in areas with frequent heavy rains often have problems with their sump pumps because they’re not able to handle all of the water that enters a house through a drain pipe at once. This leads to an overflow of sewage onto floors and other parts of the home.

flooded basement

Today we are going to know why sump pump overflow happened and how to prevent it.

Why does a sump pump overflow?

When the water level in the sump pump basin gets too high (even for a short time), it can overflow out of its normal drainage openings. When this happens, you might not only have to replace your sump pump but also deal with flooding in your home.

Knowing what can contribute to a sump pump overflowing is important so that you know what to look out for and how to avoid a potentially serious problem.

There are several reasons why a sump pump could overflow:

1) A clogged or restricted drain line, making it more difficult for the water to exit the basin. In some cases, mineral deposits from hard water create blockage on piping further down the line which may cause an obstruction preventing proper drainage.

2) Water pressure that may be higher than what your pump can handle. This can happen in low-lying areas that flood regularly and the water table is very high, or if you have a well with an extremely high drawdown rate. Sump pumps are only designed to last 3-5 years under such conditions.

3) A sump pump that has become mechanically or electrically overloaded for some reason (i.e., worked too hard). Most homes only require 1/2 hp while larger homes usually need at least a 1 hp sump pump unit plus additional backup power supply during blackouts and extended periods without power.

4) The float switch arm becomes stuck in the raised position and therefore fails to shut off the pump as water levels recede. This can happen if debris such as hair, toys, or rags get stuck in the switch as well as if minerals build up over time and interfere with its operation.

5) The motor runs continuously without shutting off for historical reasons. This problem usually occurs when homes have a faulty or undersized circuit breaker that trips frequently or has been reset (often by mistake) too many times and no longer functions properly and shuts power to the sump pump off. Usually, this is due to a worn-out electrical contact point within the switch, although it may also be caused by wiring problems further down the line.

What to do when your sump pump overflows?

Here are 6 steps you need to take when the sump pump overflows in your basement.

  1. Check the circuit breaker: Make sure that there is no power to the sump pump. If there is, press [the] reset/breaker button and try again.
  2. Stop water flow from entering the house: Go to where the pump line enters the house through a floor drain or cleanout plug and cover it with a hose clamp and rubber hose (not shown). The hose should be long enough to reach outside of the home without kinking or twisting.
  3. Remove trapped water: Drain as much water out of the pit and check for and remove any debris (rocks, sticks, toys, etc.) which may have clogged up your equipment.
  4. Remove sump pump check valve: Unscrew the sump pump check valve from the discharge pipe and inspect it for dirt, debris, cracks, or any other damage. Throw out if found old or damaged ones.
  5. Replace check valves: After removing the old/damaged one, take a new one inserting it over the hose attached to where you removed the hose clamp in step 2. Give a few twists to secure it by hand and tighten it with pliers.
  6. Check the backup system: If you have a backup pump installed outside of your home, make sure that there is no debris clogging up your equipment.

Final Word

It may seem like a lot, but it’s necessary to do all 6 steps in order to get rid of the water and get rid of any possible damage that could have been caused by standing water.

Be sure to monitor your pump throughout the year for any signs of wear or dysfunction. If you have any questions about what you can do on your own or if you need help with anything, feel free to comment below.

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Causes of Sump Pump Failure

About the Author Juan Williams

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